On March 8, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., ITKAM – Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany and Königin Katharina Stift school have organized an event dedicated to schools, pupils and teachers at the Didacta fair in Germany, Europe’s largest education fair.
The workshop, which was held in room C5.3 of ICS Stuttgart, involved pupils and teachers on topics central to teaching such as digitization and sustainability.
During the event, the results of the Erasmus+ CSR in Class+ project, which aims to bring the topics of corporate social responsibility, social innovation, and ESG into secondary school curricula, were presented.
In addition, together with the students we held an interactive activity dedicated to creativity and stimulating their entrepreneurial skills. The students, teachers and the audience tried their hand at creating a business model that was sustainable or related to the area of digitization. At the conclusion of the activity we all discussed together the various business ideas, some of which were real social innovation ideas.
The feedback from the students and schools was very positive and the interest of young people in the world of CSR is really high.
The platform containing the e-learning courses developed by the CSR in Class+ project team is available upon request in 4 languages (english, german, italian and slovene). We look forward to responding to all your inquiries and curiosities!
To learn more, please email us at: csrinclassplus@gmail.com