Ekonomska gimnazija in srednja sola Radovljica – Slovenia
EGSŠ Radovljica is Economic Grammar School and Secondary School with three programmes: media technician, economic technician and Economic Grammar school. The school has 420 students and is aiming to offer the students experiences of the new business trends leading to effective work planning, new organizational approaches and their technical implementation in accordance with the European […]
Razvojna agencija Zgornje Gorenjske – Slovenia
Non-profit public institution, established on the basis of equal partnership by municipalities Bohinj, Jesenice, Kranjska Gora, Radovljica and Žirovnica, in the year 2000. Along with two other sub regional development agencies, RAGOR is part of Gorenjska Regional Development Agency. RAGOR organizes its work and has responsibilities in the field of human resources, SME’s, tourism, and […]
IZB (Institut für Zukunft und Bildung), Einrichtung mit Rechtspersönlichkeit an der BHAK Mürzzuschlag – Austria
The IZB of the HAK Mürzzuschlag is an organisation of the BHAK Mürzzuschlag and directly connected to the school. The BHAK Mürzzuschlag is an Austrian business school and was founded in 1968. It is a typical Austrian school in the segment of vocational schools. The special feature of this type of school is the combination […]
FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH – Austria
FH JOANNEUM is one of Austria’s leading universities of applied sciences, committed to stimulating innovation through R&D in order to meet sustainability goals and societal needs in line with the principle from idea to implementation. They provide around 4000 students with a high quality education in their six departments: Applied Computer Sciences; Engineering; Building, Energy […]
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Statale “M. Fanno” – Italy
The I.I.S.S “Marco Fanno” Institute of Conegliano was born in 1965. The school has about one thousand students that come from very heterogeneous socio-cultural contexts. “M. Fanno” is an important training resource in the area and is located in a dynamic socio-economic context since the plurality of companies in the area has so far led […]
Unioncamere Veneto – Italy
Unioncamere del Veneto (UCV) represents the five Chambers of Commerce of the Veneto and hosts Eurosportello del Veneto, an information and assistance office providing services and helping its business community to work better in the European market Eurosportello del Veneto is a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world largest business support network, […]
Königin-Katharina-Stift – Germany
The Königin-Katharina-Stift is a general grammar school with 200 years of tradition founded by Queen Catherine of Württemberg in 1818 as a secondary school for girls. Continuing this tradition today, the KKSt is a school with a European profile, although it is now taught co-educationally. It is the only grammar school in Baden-Württemberg to offer […]
ITKAM Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland e.V. – Germany
The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany (ITKAM) is a German registered non-profit bilateral association, founded 1911. ITKAM has three offices in Germany, Frankfurt am Main (Headquarter) Berlin and Leipzig (Regional Offices) as well as representative offices in Italy and Austria. Regarding the European projects, ITKAM has been implementing and managing many successful international projects […]