On October 24, 2022, we had the pleasure of presenting our CSR IN CLASS+ project in Austria.
In a world where technology dominates, it is very important for companies to have an approach toward CSR+, a concept that includes both Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Business, and Social Innovation. CSR+ also shows that a company can care about broader social issues and that it makes sense to operate sustainably. Therefore, CSR is concerned with human rights, the community, the environment and the society in which it operates.
Nowadays, CSR+ is little known to secondary school students and is often not included in the school curriculum, so teachers and students need suitable activities and tools to learn the principles of CSR+. This Erasmus+ project aims to provide students not only with the tools and skills useful for successfully entering the job market, but also guides them through a game-based learning experience.
Our primary goal is to prepare future workers and entrepreneurs with a European approach to CSR, which is crucial today to develop and implement to our everyday life. Anyone can take actions to improve humanity’s impact on the earth. Our mission is to intrigue and raise awareness of CSR among young people, especially since knowledge is the path to empowerment.
It was therefore a pleasure to present – for the first time – our e-courses on CSR to secondary school students, our main target group. In fact, our project aims to meet:
- Secondary school students aged 15-17, who will become future workers and entrepreneurs
- Teachers
- EU businesses
Regarding the concrete objectives of the CSR IN CLASS+ project, we aim to:
- Dissemination of CSR+ principles in secondary schools
- The exchange of best practices and the development of a network between schools, institutions and enterprises to spread the principles of CSR+ in the territories
- The strengthening of the relationship between school and industry through the involvement of associated partner companies in project activities and the competition
- The creation of CSR+ training paths resulting from the collaboration between schools and industries
- The promotion of CSR+ principles in production systems
- The orientation of young people to the labor market with a social sustainability approach.
The three themes addressed in the project: cooperation between educational institutions and businesses, social responsibility of Educational Institutions, and Digital Skills and Competencies, but great attention was also given to raising awareness of environmental sustainability, in line with the European Commission’s guidelines (Green Deal) and the horizontal priorities of the Erasmus+ Program.
If you want to learn more about these topics, please write us and get your access to the learning platform.